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3 comments / Posted on by Megan Neibert


Our Tattoo Creeper project is a way to collaborate with talented artists to add their spin on our creepers. We love working with creatives in any capacity & we want to see the world from their lens. To check out more of Janice's work head to her Instagram 


How would you describe your art style?

 My style has always been pretty feminine and detail oriented. I love any chance I get to paint and tattoo floral or ornamental designs. Although I mainly tattoo in black, my paintings are always extremely colorful.


What is your typical process when coming up with a new design? Is there a source of inspiration you tend to draw from?

 I love to save photos of anything and everything I can use as inspiration for later. I’m always stopping to take photos of intricate architecture or flowers on the street. When it’s time to sit and work on a new design, I’ll dig through my inspiration album and piece something together from at least 4 or 5 different sources.


What is your favorite piece you’ve done and why?

 It’s always so hard to choose a favorite, I feel like all artists will say the same. Every time I do a new tattoo or a new painting that I’m especially proud of, it instantly becomes my new favorite. But I recently painted a huge mandala mural on a wall at the shop I’m based out of, Grit N Glory, and I absolutely love staring at that thing everyday. It’s easily one of my most cherished projects.


What inspired you to pursue a career in the arts?

 My love for art started in middle school and just took off from there. I went to an art specialized high school then an art college of course. I studied fine art in school but discovered tattooing later on in my early twenties. A few of my friends had started tattooing and were pushing me to try it out, I picked up a tattoo machine and never put it down. 



  • Posted on by Chelsea

    I need a pair!!!

  • Posted on by Shane

    These are incredible!

  • Posted on by Christine Emi Kobayashi

    Where can I buy these boots?! You can tattoo me!

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