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2 comments / Posted on by Hana Woodward

 T.U.K. x Han Shinko

Han Shinko is from Los Angeles, CA and tattoos out of Strange Love. He customized the Black TUKskin 3-Buckle Skull Boots with inspiration from the balance of good and evil. To check out more of his work head to his Instagram.



Tell me about yourself:

Well my names Han and I’m a tattoo artist born and raised in Singapore. After working as a tattoo artist in Singapore for around 4 years I moved to Germany where I spent another 4yrs before moving to the U.S. 3 years ago. If I’m not working I'm either drawing or riding my motorcycles, but mostly just spending time with my family finding new things to explore.


How long have you been tattooing for?

I’ve been tattooing for almost 12 years now.


What made you want to become a tattoo artist?

I’ve always loved drawing and painting. My first tattoo was at a young age. Growing up I was also inspired by many tattoo artists around me. To me its an honor knowing that people are willing to display my artwork on them for the rest of their lives.


Why did you decide to customize the shoes the way you did?

I’ve always been inspired by the balance of good and evil which is why I chose to customize them the way I did.


How was working on this project for you?

I found it pretty interesting as well as challenging but overall fun to work on.


Are you currently working on any other projects?

I'm always collaborating with friends or working on my clothing brand Nohkuro. A lot more products being released in the near future.


How long have you been an artist?

Well I’ve been tattooing for close to 12 years now but I’ve been drawing and painting since I was around 13 years old.


What was your favorite tattoo that you have and why?

To be honest I really don't have a favorite. I feel like every tattoo I have reminds me of different experiences I’ve had from several artists. They all have a special meaning to me.


How were you keeping busy during quarantine?

Well that wasn't too hard. I have a 1 year old son with quite the character who keeps me very busy. I’ve also been working on new pieces for my portfolio as well as new products for Nohkuro.





  • Posted on by Ayden

    I absolutely need a pair of these they match my style so well beautiful shoes

  • Posted on by Sancho Parker

    Looking Good!
    Very nice art work…

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