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 Suro x T.U.K. Footwear


 We teamed up with various tattoo artists to showcase their talents on our iconic creepers. Using our shoes as their canvas, tattoo creepers were born. Each month a new artist collaboration will be released at limited quantities you wont want to miss. Our loyal customers have continued to support us, so we want to continue to support our community.



Tell us about yourself, where you tattoo at & the shoes that you customized: 

Hi, my name is su, i go by Suro in the tattoo community. I’ve been tattooing for about 10 years and my journey so far has brought me to miami where i now tattoo at @inkedmiami. 

My style has definitely evolved over the years transitioning from bold lines to more fine line, but one thing that has always been apparent is my love for shading. Like I love playing with tones to bring high contrast to my pieces. This is what I incorporated in this shoe, you’ll see i decided to play with three shades of grey mimicking a camouflage print but with a butterfly pattern. I like that it adds dimension and with the grey it’s fit for any look and style!


Is the art style similar to your usual tattooing style? 

In terms of color yes I only work with black and grey. However the style is a bit more different. I love to play with realism but also do geometry and pattern work. So this is a combination of both. 


What was the inspiration behind the Tattoo Creepers you created?

so most of the tattoos i make whether it be a portrait, floral work or a mandala I somehow find a way to add different grey tones. This was my biggest inspiration in this shoe to bring in that play of grey. In terms of the butterfly print, i love butterflies and the pattern shows my love for symmetry.


Where do you typically draw inspiration from? 

Mostly art. Like any renaissance paintings that show the use of light. Paintings like that have a heavy contrast with color so in my mind when i see it saturated it’s just amazing to see how they were able to do so much with so little. 


Besides tattooing, what’s your favorite medium? 

I love to paint, whether it be on canvas using acrylics or on a wall using spray paint. But my go to is using acrylics to paint large canvases.


Do you remember the strangest tattoo request you’ve ever received? If so, what was it? 

to cover a tattoo i just did on them cause they changed their minds a week later LOL. 




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