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0 comments / Posted on by Hana Woodward

Lindsee Bee x T.U.K. Footwear 



 We teamed up with various tattoo artists to showcase their talents on our iconic creepers. Using our shoes as their canvas, tattoo creepers were born. Each month a new artist collaboration will be released at limited quantities you wont want to miss. Our loyal customers have continued to support us, so we want to continue to support our community.



Is the art style similar to your usual tattooing style?

My style is very similar to the designs on the shoes, the only thing that might be different is I put a black outline on anything I tattoo to keep it nice and bold. Retro inspired tattoos are my favorite.


    What was the inspiration behind the Tattoo Creepers you created?

    The inspiration behind these shoes is my love for the 1970s. My grandmothers maiden name is Hippe and our family cabin used to have the most amazing 70s decor.. shag and all. I love textiles, dishes and designs even on towels from the 70s and incorporated that style into my shoes.


      Where do you typically draw inspiration from?

      Inspiration comes from beautiful nature or I find objects at thrift or antique stores that are from the 60s and 70s. I love looking at tattoo flash from the 70s as well. 


        Besides tattooing, what’s your favorite medium?

        My favorite medium besides tattooing is airbrush art, watercolor painting, acrylic or oil. I love practicing anything new with art! There is so much to learn still to this day.


          Do you remember the strangest tattoo request you’ve ever received? If so, what was it?

          I feel really lame for saying this and wished I had a funny story but I have not encountered anything out of the ordinary to tattoo on a customer! Ive done a lot of fun silly tattoos like miniature beer can the size of a penny and inside the lips are always pretty funny requests. 




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