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6 comments / Posted on by Hana Woodward

Tattoo Creepers with Indigo Serrano

Our Tattoo Creeper project is a way to collaborate with talented artists to add their spin on our creepers. We love working with creatives in any capacity & we want to see the world from their lens. To check out more of Indigo's work head to their Instagram 



Tell us about yourself and the shoes that you customized:

I'm Indigo, a Cuban American living in Philadelphia with my partner and a small herd of cats and dogs. I really love horror, oddities, and the ethereal world. 


What currently fuels your creativity?

I grew up in an incredibly oppressive rural town in eastern North Carolina. Moving out of my comfort zone, embracing my queerness, and immersing myself in a world without limits and prejudice has truly done things for my creative freedom and flow - things I would've never expected. I find myself pulling inspiration from everything around me - the art in video games like Bloodborne or horror movies and thrillers, the trials and tribulations of working a day job in graphic design, and even my partner's creativity as well. Creativity flows in and out constantly and when it flows, I try to listen.


What's your biggest accomplishment within your career?

I think my greatest accomplishment would simply be the connections I've made through my art and creative community. I treasure the trades, the commissions, the kind words, the conversations, the connections. As someone who is quite introverted, creating and communing with fellow artists has helped me speak a language that doesn't come easily through words. 


How would you describe your art style? 

Only the hardest question ever for an artist, or maybe just me. I'd describe it as fantasy meets a medieval ghost that likes american traditional tattoos. 


Where did your inspiration come from for the shoes?

I based the shoe design off an art piece I drew earlier this summer called "july". I'm not a summer person and I've had a rougher time recently with mental health and the weight of the trauma around us. These shoes are an expression of the joy I'm seeking in the things that surround me. I spend a lot of time expressing art through darker themes and I wanted to do something that contrasted the style of creepers while creating a lighter, more ethereal theme. 


How was working on this project for you?

Referencing mental health and all - this project was such a gift to me. Things have been incredibly stressful in my day to day, and this project gave me a creative outlet that was purely fun and stress-relieving. I've loved T.U.K. Footwear for many years and being able to create something with them has been a dream come true!






tattoo creepers illustrators edition Indigo Serrano read the blogtattoo creepers illustrators edition Indigo Serrano read the blogtattoo creepers illustrators edition Indigo Serrano read the blog


  • Posted on by Marie

    Hooray for an expression of creativity and joy!

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