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18 comments / Posted on by Hana Woodward


We want to do our part and support local businesses and artists during this pandemic and time of social distancing. We’re going to feature a San Diego local tattoo artist each week across our socials. We sent out shoes to tattoo artists to add their personal style to T.U.K. shoes. While everyone is staying safe at home we want to help bring our community together with what we know best, self-expression. Our customers have continued to support us as a small business, so we want to continue to support our community. This week’s tattoo Creeper is by Droopy. Droopy Tattoos out of Tattoo Royale in North Pacific Beach San Diego, California and has been tattooing since 1991. 


To see more of his work head to: Droopbomb
To check out his Instagram: @droopyroyale




  • Posted on by Charles

    These are beautiful. They look like Stamped leather. So intricate. I would buy a pair of these!

  • Posted on by Kimberly Allard

    This is fantastic! Wish I could buy some tattooed shoes!

    I know another tattoo artist you should feature!

  • Posted on by D

    Absolutely beautiful work! Can’t wait to see more of these get created!

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